Pool & Spa Chlorinators

Because chlorine can also be broken down by the sun itself, maintaining proper chlorine levels can be a daily chore. Even more often when it’s raining or you’re partying. Using an automatic chlorinator will save you time and hassle by delivering a precise amount of chlorine to your pool’s water in conjunction with with your filter system and pump. You can choose either a salt chlorine generator or liquid chlorine feeder to help keep your swimming pool clean and free of algae.
Salt. Salt-water chlorinators automatically transform small amounts of any standard pool salt into chlorine. The salt is used again and again by the system to produce the chlorine that purifies your water, leaving your pool surface smooth and the water crystal clear. Completely automatic, salt-water chlorinators are ideal for plaster, vinyl or fiberglass swimming pools up to 150,000 litres.
Liquid doser pumps. Liquid chlorine feeders pump chlorine straight from a storage drum into your pool via an injection point. Not only does this remove the messy chore of pouring the chlorine into the pool, it also ensures accurate chlorine levels.