Pool Cleaners

For some people there’s nothing more relaxing than slowly and methodically skimming the backyard pool. But most pool owners have better things to do and would just as soon leave such maintenance chores to automatic cleaners. The only question is, which one to choose?
As you can tell from the selection of pool cleaners pictured shown below, there is no one all-purpose, industry-accepted design. It’s pretty much different strokes for different folks. In general terms, pool cleaners can be divided into four categories:
Booster pump-driven cleaners. These require a booster pump, a timer and a dedicated poolsweep line. Popular examples include Aqua-Quip’s Legend Truck, Legend Platinum and Jet Vac as well the Polaris 280.
Pressure side cleaners. These cleaners do not require a booster pump but should have a dedicated poolsweep line. The Aqua-Quip Legend 2 and Polaris Vac-Sweep 360 are pressure side cleaners.
Suction cleaners. These cleaners do not require a booster pump or a dedicated poolsweep line. They are often plugged into the suction port of a skimmer. Among the more popular suction cleaners are several from the Kreepy Krauly and Baracuda ranges along with the Hayward Navigator.
Robotic cleaners. These models feature low-voltage motors with an internal microchip that allows you to program their cleaning patterns. Some ‘sense’ the size and shape of your pool and go their own ways, usually pretty efficiency. Although they’ve been around awhile, only recently have they become affordable. Hurlcon and Poolrite make robotic cleaners.
If you want to phone or e-mail us for advice, please feel free. We’ll want to know how big and what shape your pool is, what sort of debris you have to contend with, ANYTHING ELSE and, of course, how much you’re prepared to spend.